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This blog is for the Detailed Analysis Page (DAP) accessed by clicking on the 'Overdue Service Orders' card in the Service Management Overview app. It is called Overdue Service Orders Analysis(F4166).

Overdue Service Orders Analysis - an Overview

The first version of the Overdue Service Orders Analysis app was released in 1911. This app shows you all service orders which have not yet been completed and are overdue for action based on the date the service order was requested for. This is indicated by the field if Requested End Date for service order. Hence you can say, it focuses on a subset of (open) incomplete service orders in the special context of missed requested deadline. It helps you (Customer Service Manager) to answer questions such as the following:

o How many service orders are overdue for action at the moment that I should look at?

o How many (resource-related) service orders are already over the requested deadline and are still waiting for execution so I should see if there are technicians assigned or not?

o How many of the high value fixed price service orders are still open & overdue? Which of those have been prioritized as very high as I need to expedite such service orders?

o Do I have a backlog built up in certain regions (sales org units) under me where the requested date has been missed and the situation is critical? So, I would need to look at resource management in those teams with priority.

o Do I have lot of service orders overdue from my key customers as I need to look out for those?


This app is designed to help you to identify which service orders you should focus on next, which teams/areas have the hot spots built up and manage the situation.

Details of the App Screen

The app is based on the Fiori template called Analytical List Page.

§ Header section is the main filter section. It has a compact filter view containing the normal fields for filters and a visual filter view which has two visual filters. It also has the functionality to allow saving filter values as variants.

The first visual filter provided is used to view service orders by type. Using this filter, you can see the number of overdue service orders which are of a certain type, say "Service Order" OR "Fixed Price Service Order".

The second visual filter provided allows you to identify how many service orders have got execution under way. This is done by showing you how many of the overdue service orders have got at least one confirmation created versus how many have no confirmations created yet. This is based on the service execution process. When a technician has finished the work, he/she confirms the time, parts used, and sundry expenses. This action of confirming is captured as confirmations against the respective items in service orders. Presence of at least one such confirmation means that the service is in progress. When the service is completed then the flag for indicating that it is the final confirmation (last confirmation) is set. The service orders for which there are not confirmations created, are possibly not taken up. They could be waiting for technician assignment or any other process step, or stuck due to an error. (There is another app called "Service Order Issues that can be used to further investigate the errors).

In the compact filter section, in addition to the fields pertaining to visual filters above, there are fields provided for sales data like sales organization, distribution channel, division, sales office and sales group. Sold-to party (customer) is also provided as a filter along with a few more fields.

§ Content section has a chart and a table.The content chart is based on priority assigned to a service order. It shows the number of overdue service orders by priority. The table shows the same content in the table format.

How & Who Should Use This App:

The visual filters in the app are connected so that if the user selects the bar displaying the number of overdue fixed price service orders in the first visual filter, the second visual filter automatically shows the number of overdue fixed price service orders, which have at least one confirmed item versus the number of overdue fixed price service orders, which have none. If the user selects a bar in the second visual filter, the first visual filter will behave likewise. The content chart and the table also show the filtered data. In the example displayed in the picture below, the "Fixed Price Service Order" type is selected in the first visual filter, the other visual filter as well as the content table and the chart show the number of overdue fixed price service orders.

The app is focused on enabling operational ease to identify the number of overdue service orders among the open (incomplete) service orders to focus on and expedite. It can be used by operational colleagues who supervise service order planning and execution.

§ Example Usage Scenario I:

A Customer Service Manager wants to find out the most critical service orders of the type "Service Order" which are still in process and have exceeded the deadline requested by the customer.

Typically, a Customer Service Manager would select the bar of one of the visual filters to filter out the service orders of the "Service Order" type. He/she could, then, do a 2nd-level filtering by selecting the bar "At Least One Confirmed Item" of the second visual filter "Service Orders by Confirmed Items". To select the critical service orders, he/she can further filter the data by selecting a bar of the content chart of priority, say a very high priority. The content table would, then, show the final filtered set of overdue service orders of the "Service Order" type which have a confirmed item (i.e. are being executed) and are of a very high priority. The Customer Service Manager can then navigate to the respective service order itself and take necessary action.

§ Example Usage Scenario II:

Another example usage scenario could be that the Customer Service Manager would like to keep an eye on his/her key team and review the high-value overdue service orders created. In addition, they would like to identify customers who generate most service orders. The Customer Service Manager can add the key team (represented by sales organization in the Sales Organization field).

Furthermore, the content table can be grouped using the sold-to party and sorted based on the net value using the Settings option. In this way, the manager can see at a glance, how many of the high-value service orders for a specific customer are overdue.

All of these changes can, then, be saved as a variant. The manager can also set this variant as a default variant so that every time this app loads up, he/she immediately sees the high-value overdue service orders for the key team. It is always possible to select the Standard variant to revert to the default settings and filter conditions. Further actions can be taken by navigating to a specific service order.

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